Jean Mayer Preschool

History of Jean Mayer

Bertugas dan mengabdi  di Papua khususnya di daerah pedalaman  adalah sebuah kesempatan yang tidak dimiliki oleh setiap aparatur negara baik sipil maupun militer.

More about us
Business hour
  • Mon – Fri: 7.30 am – 4 pm
  • Sat – Sun: Closed

Welcome Letter from Our Founder


It is an honor to welcome the new families of Jean Mayer Preschool for this new academic year. We are excited to be back to school physically after the pandemic.

The children is the heart in our school, and our commitment is to give them the love, care, and learning experiences based on their age level,  which will make them happy and excited to come to school every day.

With dedicated teachers from different parts of Indonesia who are committed to education in Papua (generally) and in our school (specifically), we are delighted to share their skills and knowledge in the daily activities at Jean Mayer Preschool.

Facebook: Jean Mayer Preschool (with the new logo)
Instagram: Jeanmayerpreschool

We hope that by joining hands together in the child’s learning journey, we will be able to prepare them for their next chapter in the upcoming years and also beyond the school setting.

Jenni Florida Tambunan, BSN, M.I.Kom

What is Montessori Education?

Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms, children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.

Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore the knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential. Montessori theory is straightforward. It is deeply rooted in neuroscience and the natural unfolding of human development. Montessori practice, on the other hand, can be complex.

Capturing authentic Montessori practice on film for professional development purposes means showing the work of children in their prepared environments. We decided to seek the child who emerges under the conditions described by Dr. Montessori in her writings.

Preschool (Classes)

Our dedicated Honey bee from 18 months to 2 years old.

At Jean Mayer Preschool, we cherish the boundless curiosity and rapid development of our youngest learners. Our Honey Bee (18 months – 2 years old) is designed with great care to provide a nurturing environment where every child can thrive.

Little Bee from 2 to 3 years old.

Little Bee

We are delighted to introduce you to our engaging and nurturing 2-3 years old program. This is an exciting stage of development where children are eager to explore and discover the world around them. In our 2-3 years old program, we focus on providing a stimulating environment where curiosity is encouraged, and learning through play is central. Our experienced teachers understand the unique needs of toddlers and create a nurturing atmosphere where every child feels safe and supported.

Busy Bee age 3 to 4 years old.

Busy Bee

At the age of three, children move into the preschool phase of their nursery education. Riverside Nursery uses the famous Montessori approach, aimed at achieving the correct balance of physical, social, and intellectual stimulation for young children. Within a child-centered environment, children can develop confidently at their own pace, and an equal opportunities policy is practiced for all children.

In the upper school, the class sizes are kept to no more than eight children to one teacher.

The materials used by the children within our Montessori nursery are carefully designed to allow personal development through investigation and sensorial stimulation, encouraging analytical skills, which can be channeled into all areas of life. All children’s progress is monitored and recorded regularly and the Head of the Nursery is available by appointment to meet with parents.

Bumble bee from 4 to 5 years old.

Bumble Bee
The areas of learning are:
  1. Communication and language
  2. Physical development
  3. Personal, social, and emotional development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world
  7. Leadership
  8. Expressive arts and design

Bee explorer from 5-6 years old.

Bee Explorer

Bee Explorer from 5 to 6 years old, besides all academics part some of the things that will be reinforced to your child are manners, feelings, friends, making good choices, personal safety, and sharing. Each week, I will be completing a guidance lesson with them in their classroom. Students may also be a part of small group and/or individual counseling.

Enrichment Programme

Piano & Keyboard

We’ve developed a playful, attention-grabbing, and confidence-building music program for preschoolers up to adults. In this program, our expert piano teachers and musicians introduce preschoolers to the basics of notes and rhythm, while fostering a creative and comforting experience designed to help children discover the piano and other instruments.

English & Phonics

Phonics is at the heart of how children learn to read. If you have a young reader, you might remember how exciting it was when he or she started learning letters, or how proud your child felt the first time he or she sounded out a word. It’s like watching a whole new world open up for your child.


Children use early math skills every day, whether at school or at home, during their routines or at play. Getting dressed and brushing teeth, eating breakfast, going grocery shopping–all of these activities present opportunities for teaching mathematics in early childhood when approached with the right mindset.

Cooking Club

Stir the pancake mix, measure one cup of water, and roll out the dough…all of these cooking tasks help kids develop necessary academic, cognitive, and motor skills. It is very important to support your child’s educational steps.

Science Club

Science education teaches children more than just the basics of geology, biology, physics, and chemistry. Science teaches children to make observations, collect information, and to use logical thinking to draw a conclusion. These skills are important for every part of our lives.

Art & Craft

In the classroom, art gives children a way to communicate and develop confidence. As an after-school activity, it encourages creativity. Creating art together as a family is also a great way to connect.

Franchise and Collaborations

For further information please reach us…

Yayasan Cakrawala Suluh Bangsa

How We Advance Our Mission.

Although many organizations speak up for the adults employed by schools and colleges, we speak up for early childhood students, especially those whose needs and potential are often overlooked in Papua especially Papua Selatan. We carry out our mission in three primary ways:

Our Mission

The yayasan Cakrawala Suluh Bangsa is a local nonprofit that works to close opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect students from low-income families. Through our research and advocacy, yayasan Cakrawala Suluh Bangsa support efforts that expand excellence and equity in education especially for historically underserved students.

  • We work alongside educators, parents, students, policymakers, and civic and business leaders in communities across the country.
  • We analyze local, state, and national data and use what we learn to help build a broader understanding of achievement and opportunity gaps and the actions necessary to close them.

Our Core Believe

  • We believe in the power of education to close the gaps that separate students from low-income backgrounds from other young in Papua.
  • We believe schools can help virtually all students master the knowledge they need to succeed.
  • We believe long-standing gaps in opportunity, achievement, and attainment have roots inside and outside of schools. And though we know these gaps are stubborn, we also know they are not inevitable.
  • We believe a strong education improves the lives of young people, is vital to sustaining our democracy, and strengthens Indonesia.
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